QUIETPRO completes the communications chain
Eivind Bergsmyr, CEO of Nacre AS discusses the tactical benefits of in-ear ancillaries
The QuietPro configuration used by the USMC.
© Nacre |
Headset ancillaries are one part of the overall
communications chain which includes the headsets,
the radio system and the transmission in the air, to
the next radio system. The importance of headsets is
growing as militaries realise that getting secure
voice from radio to radio is just one part of the
equation. A major priority is ensuring that headsets
are capable of ensuring intelligible voice
communications from the sender to the recipient in
high noise environments, as well as providing them
protection against extreme battlefield noise.
QuietPro is the culmination of 15 years of research with
acoustics, digital signal processing and electronics by
top European scientists. QuietPro has been thoroughly
tested during field trials, real combat deployments as
well as in laboratory tests across the US and Europe. The
system has been assessed and rated superior to other inear
competitors due to a sophisticated, proprietary digital
platform and a detailed understanding of user
requirements. Feedback from the field is that the product
is not only saving hearing, but also saving lives by
allowing for increased situational awareness in hostile
Nacre is the current successful supplier of the
QuietPro Communication and hearing protection headsets
for use with the new Motorola Integrated Intra Squad Radio
as well as the MBITR radio from Thales (dual configuration)
to the United States Marine Corps. The US Military Medical
Community continues to champion the QuietPro for its
ability to protect the hearing and ultimately the lives of
those that wear it.
“The Nacre QuietPro is the most fielded in-ear
communication headset and hearing protector in the
world,” states Eivind Bergsmyr, CEO of Nacre AS. “The
performance of QuietPro has generated sales of 50,000
units in 13 countries on 4 continents. More than 40,000
of these are currently in service with the US Army, US
Marine Corps, US Air Force, US Government Agencies as
well as Allied and NATO Forces in support of Operations
Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
QuietPro is the worlds most advanced in-ear digital hearing
protector and communication headset for use with military
tactical radios and intercom systems.
The uniqueness of the QuietPro Bergsmyr comments,
is that it combines all key requirements for communication,
hearing (situational awareness) and hearing protection
needed by the solider. “First it is a communication headset.
It has microphone and loudspeaker and it works in high
noise environments. It also provides situational awareness
(SA). When a soldier is using the system, as long as there
is low noise around, he can maintain his ‘normal hearing’ in
terms of high sound quality and directionality. As a result
he can recognise where the sound is coming from as if he
wasn’t wearing any headset at all, identify the sound and
consequently, feeling comfortable about his SA, which is
This SA functionality works up to a certain noise level
and is then designed to shut down in steps to protect
hearing. Bergsmyr explains, “We have a very smooth
transition through that phase, but when noise gets high
enough, then you need protection.”
“Let’s say you are on patrol. Typically you want to hear
as well as normal or often even better which is possible with
our amplified listening. Suddenly, there is an attack. Then you
need to be protected against shocks and blast but, at the
same time, you need to hear sound that isn’t damaging to
hearing. The quality of the SA is critical. If there isn’t a high
quality broad frequency presence on both the SA and the talk
through functionality, then soldiers won’t use the product.
“QuietPro has a very high quality talk through, an SA
feature that can also be amplified if you want to. If you
want to break into a room and you are on the outside you
may want to listen through the door or walls first. In that
case you can amplify the talk through up to four times your
natural hearing. This is also a useful feature for patrolling,
on observation posts and in silent operations.
The third factor cited by Bergsmyr is the QuietPro’s
high quality, high capability hearing protection. “QuietPro
combines two approaches. When there is high impulse
noise, it immediately shuts out the surrounding sound but
opens immediately as sound levels drop to safe levels.
That is a unique feature of QuietPro.”
Nacre uses a self designed microchip which is able
to shut out the sound immediately, hence no sound above
impulse threshold levels will ever be let through.
Bergsmyr explains, “We defined the systems to do that
because it’s extremely important to protect against
impulse noise as this is the most dangerous threat to
hearing in a combat environment.” This instantaneous
shut-down is essential to protect the user against impulse
noise from various weapons. Slower competing systems
using some milliseconds to react will not be able to fully
protect against every impulse noise resulting in possible
hearing damage.
The other aspect of hearing protection is protection
against continuous noise, largely generated by vehicles.
Bergsmyr explained “That requires a different functionality
because you need to adapt in a logical way as things can
change very abruptly. QP uses a very sophisticated
algorithm to adapt to continuous noise. We never protect
more than necessary. Over protection is equally as
dangerous as under protection.” This digital Active Noise
Cancellation (ANC) is automatically activated when needed,
and is one of the main reasons in achieving high-level
hearing protection and subsequently the ability to provide
clear comms in continuous high-noise environments. While
competing in-ear products struggles to achieve protection
in the mid-twenties, QP provides an impressive 30 to 40dB
of protection depending on the circumstances.
To ensure sufficient hearing protection is actually
achieved QuietPro has a build-in leakage control at start-up. An alarm will sound if the protection is not adequate. The
user could also manually press a test button any time
during operation to perform the same test.
QuietPro discriminates between background noise
and speech based on frequencies and sound levels. When
the noise level gets high enough however - 90-95dB
depending on the individual – this is no longer possible.
Bergsmyr explained, “Then you have to use your radio.
For intermediate noise level there is some discrimination
based on frequencies that prioritise speech. We attenuate
more in the lower and higher frequencies than in the
speech frequencies.”
The QuietPro system has performed extremely well in
independent tests done on simulated IEDs which can reach
195dB. A high-level hearing protection prevents the
stunning and disorientation caused by massive impulse
noise from explosions. Reports suggest that soldiers in
Iraq have survived insurgent attacks because of QuietPro.”
The QuietPro is a communication headset with in ear
microphone. This is crucial to it’s overall ergonomic
capability believes Bergsmyr, because it avoids the need
for a boom mike. “This last factor is key in choosing
QuietPro over more traditional in ear systems, because of
it’s compatibility with gas masks, headgear and other
soldier equipment. You don’t need a boom mike, you use
an in-ear mike, which is performing well.”
The in-ear mike picks the sound of the user’s voice
within the head. Bergsmyr comments, “That sound in its
natural form is a little bit dull and strange, so we have to
use our own very sophisticated signal processing
technology to process the speech to ensure it is both
recognisable and intelligible for the user. That was built
into the QuietPro, right from the start.”
The QuietPro system can be powered from any
external DC source. Should power shut down for any
reason, the systems passive protection level keep working
against impulse noise. Bergsmyr said, “It is important to
remember that the headset can be power from any
external source between 6 and 35 volts. You can for
example, power it from a vehicle intercom system or radio
if you have that capability available. If you remove the
power, the system still works well. That’s why the USMC
for example, went for this type of system.”
The QuietPro headset can be adapted to specific
voice and language requirements specified by the
customer. Discussing the frequency issues, Bergsmyr
said, “This varies based on speech and speech organs
and other factors. It depends on whether you are male,
female, deep voice or high pitched voice. It varies
between different languages, between those which place
greater emphasis on consonants and languages with
more vowels. A very vowel intensive language is optimal,
with a slightly different frequency response in the
communication chain, compared with a consonant
intensive language. What is important is that the systems
needs to be broad enough from a frequency point of view
so it really supports consonants like the ‘S’ and ‘P’, which
are very important in lot of languages where the main
differentiation between words and are often missed out of
a pure communication line.”
QuietPro was awarded the “Innovative Product with
Best Battle Capabilities” prize at last year’s Soldier
Technology conference in London. The judges were leading
soldier technology experts from military forces in the US,
Canada and Western Europe. This is a further endorsement
to the product’s unique capabilities in battle. In April 2008
Nacre were awarded a €5 million contract with the
Norwegian Armed Forces to deliver QuietPro headsets
during the course of 2008.
As the commercial success continues Nacre
investment in R & D will see new features released in
2008. Already released in April 2008 was the new
‘Whisper mode’ feature and ‘Dual PTT’. In the Autumn
Nacre will further release binaural radio nets (one net in
each ear) and a dual wireless PTT.
As Nacre looks to the future they will continue to
improve the QuietPro to make it even better for the user.
Developments together with US and Allied Soldier
Modernization Programs to incorporate the technology and
capabilities of the QuietPro into future combat systems
around the world will underpin the considerable success of
this unique audio ancillary product. ■ |