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SOLDIER MODERNISATION Completes BPA Worldwide lnitial Business Publication Audit

SHELTON, CT, August 10, 2009 - Soldier Modernisation has completed its first BPA Worldwide business publication audit.

Glenn J. Hansen, BPA Worldwide President, Praised Soldier Modernisation for voluntarily opening its records to independent verification and documentation of its data.

Hansen Pointed out that the audit facilitates the buying and selling of advertising space. A BPA Worldwide report provides advertisers and agencies with assurance that what they choose to invest in does, in fact, reach target audiences for specific ads. The BPA Worldwide audit also helps media companies by documenting the quality of their audiences.

Copies of the initial BPA Worldwide audit repod for Soldier Modernisation will be available from BPA Worldwide or the publisher.

Soldier Modernisation will be issuing semi-annual circulation statements in the standard BPA Worldwide format.

BPA Worldwide conducts its circulation audits on an annual basis following accepted auditing procedures. In addition to verifying exact counts of recipients, BPA Worldwide also documents that they are qualified in the markets served by the publications.

About BPA Worldwide a not-for-profit organization since 1931, BPA Worldwide is governed by a tripartite board comprised of media owners, advertising agencies and advertisers. Headquartered in Shelton, Connecticut, USA, BPA has the largest membership of any media-auditing organizationin the world, spanning more than 30 countries. Worldwide, BPA serves more than 2,500 media Properties - including over 1,900 B-to-B Publications, more than 400 consumer magazines and newspapers, 100+ Web sites, and events, email newsletters, databases, wireless and other advertiser-supported media - as well as more than 2,600 advertiser and agency members. Visit www.bpaww.com for the latest audit repofts, membership information and publishing and advertising industry news.


BPA Appointed by First Title in Republic of Ireland

London, January 25th 2008 – Global media audit organisation, BPA Worldwide, has been appointed to audit the circulation of its first publication from the Republic of Ireland.

Intercomms Publications' “Soldier Modernisation” magazine serves the defence industry in Europe with distribution to countries across the continent. The publication targets key military personnel involved in programme implementation and procurement decisions.

“We regard BPA as a key part in our commitment to keep our promises to clients and readers, and also to our integrity as a company,” explains Robert Alcock, Director, Intercomms Publications.

“We will be using the BPA audit and certificate to provide our customers with proof of delivery and to prove the effectiveness of our distribution network. This will provide advertisers with independent evidence of the benefits of advertising in the journal.”

“We are delighted to be working with Intercomms on the audit of ‘Soldier Modernisation',” comments Stuart Wilkinson, BPA Worldwide's Managing Director of Europe, Middle East & Africa. “Our international capability and rigorous audit standards can play an important role for publications like this which not only circulates on an international basis but also seeks to draw advertising from companies which operate on a multi-national basis.”

The appointment of BPA by Intercomms Publications continues the growth of BPA in Europe which, in the past year, has seen it appointed for the first time by media owners in Turkey, Greece and Russia, as well as experiencing continued growth in the Middle East.


Press Information:

Robert Alcock
Intercomms Publications
Cnoc Ard
Co Tipperary

Tel +353 86 108 3932
Fax +353 61622029

E-mail: robert.alcock@intercomms.net
Web: www.intercomms.net, www.soldiermod.com

About BPA Worldwide

BPA Worldwide is the only global media auditor. It is the world's largest independent, not-for-profit auditor of business to business media offering uniformly applied standards around the world. Now in its 76th year, BPA Worldwide has more than 2600 advertisers and media buyers within its worldwide membership. It audits more than 2500 media properties across 25 countries, including more than 2000 business to business publications.

BPA audits enable media owners to compete successfully for advertising spend by providing media buyers and advertisers with independently audited data.  Media buyers and advertisers, in turn, demand such independent metrics as a way of informing their buying decisions and protecting their interests. Third party audits represent the buyer's only reliable assurance against misleading, exaggerated or even fraudulent claims.

BPA specialises in multimedia audit, including consumer press, newspapers, expos, website, email newsletters, database and other media containing advertising. This includes media circulation on an international or global basis by a publisher in another territory. This ensures comparability for advertisers and media buyers of media across national boundaries.

BPA Worldwide is a founder member of the IFABC (International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulations).

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